How to Live with a Woman and Love It!
Women are mysterious, beautiful, complicated, wild, and demanding. We raise children, uplift our communities, manage our households, and often lead societal change. We are forces to be reckoned with, or so society and men think.
Many men would claim that it is difficult to figure women out. It’s as if we are constantly changing our minds and moods. We say left; they go right. They have a big idea; we want a detailed plan. Women overwhelm men with words, clutter bathrooms with 50 shades of lipstick, and want to forever talk about our feelings and analyze our relationships. Men love women, but somehow, we have a way of getting under their skin and confusing the hell out of them.
Here’s how to live with a woman and love it!
Women Deal in Ideas and Relationships
Women are creators. We love sharing ideas and building relationships. We seek understanding through figuring out the nuances of human relationships and our relationship to society.
When a woman presents ideas, help her organize a detailed plan of action, even if her ideas are whimsical and theoretical. Sometimes women just want to bounce ideas off someone. It helps them make sense of their thoughts. Women look at ideas as an evolving creative process. Be playful when discussing ideas with women. Embrace your creative side and imagination.
Women are Maternal Protectors
Most women eat and breathe family. The well-being and protection of our family is a priority, and we will always choose family over personal fulfillment. Often women expend so much energy on those we love, we place ourselves last. We need to know that the men in our lives understand this and act as partners in supporting our efforts and reminding us when we need time for ourselves.
When men are not supportive and present in their family lives, the entire family falls apart. Women might seem like we have it all figured out, and sometimes we seem to take over everything, but often that is a sign that we are taking on too much and our male counterparts are not fully carrying their responsibilities.
Women Need Fun Just as Much as Men Do
Women need date nights, adventures, and social events just as much as men do. Our ideas of fun might not look the same as yours, but they are just as important and worthy of your time and involvement.
Everyone loves a vacation, but women are simpler than you think. We are happy to go to a movie, eat out at a new restaurant, or sit with our partners and read a good book. Women want time with those they love. Part of loving a woman is enjoying time with her and participating in the activities that she enjoys.
Women Need to Feel Safe and Protected
I don’t care how independent a woman claims to be, she wants to feel safe and protected. Women want a partner who is trustworthy, honest, and emotionally available. Women are natural multi-taskers who have a million tasks and responsibilities to carry out daily. We need to know that we can rely on men to offer us consistency and dependability.
Women Want an Accountable Partner
Men need to be accountable for the things they do and say, as we all do. If you make a mistake or have a bad day, it’s important that you communicate this to women in a way that shows them you are accountable and willing to discuss a solution if need be.
Women rarely get upset about the little things. If they are mad at you, you are doing something you shouldn’t be doing, or you have hurt them in some way. Shoving things under the carpet and avoiding the woman in your life is only going to make things worse.
Take responsibility for your behavior. It makes your relationship stronger. You are not giving up your power by being accountable. You are actually creating a powerful relationship instead. Communicate how you feel about things and be honest. It creates a better understanding and reminds you that your partner wants the best for you. Act with empathy and integrity.
Women Want a Present Partner
Time is valuable to women. Often time that seems insignificant is important to women. Spend time remaining in a room with women for longer than you can stand. Women are magical creatures and they will show you things if you stick around for long enough. Spend time preparing a meal together, inspecting an injured bird, bantering about a family gathering, or discussing your dreams. Women are curious just like men. They want a partner that partakes in the joy of being human.
Even when things are not going well, women want a partner who can stick around and sit in discomfort while they work together in trust to solve a problem or misunderstanding. Practice breathing when you feel frustrated. We know women can seem like they are talking around you sometimes. It’s part of our process and we mean no harm. We are just trying to make sense of our thoughts out loud, and trying to help you make sense of yours.
Change is Innate in a Woman
Women are everchanging. Sometimes it’s hard for men to keep up. Men must understand that this is part of who we are as women. We go through changes every month both physically and emotionally. We are used to change and transformation. Our innate creativity and imagination also guide our need for change.
Women are natural adaptors. That is our superpower. Most women raise children and carry whole families. We need to adapt to change as we work with a network of individuals with different needs, opinions, and preferences. If we remained static in our thoughts, opinions, and life goals, we would lose our life compass.
Women Need Men That Are Strong and Resilient
Women need men that are steady and strong. Men don’t have to be perfect. They are human just like all of us, but they do need to carry their responsibilities with grace and not place unnecessary burdens on their female counterparts that they can hold themselves.
It is not a women’s duty to mother their partner. If your partner is doing this, you are not carrying your load. Life is about choices. We must all accept our choices and bear our responsibilities. Women are born knowing they have a duty. Men must learn what their duty is. The woman you have chosen as a life partner is there to support you on your journey.
Women are Your Allies, Not Your Enemies
Stop trying to compete with women. We are not your opponents in a boxing match. We are your allies, not your enemies. If you think you must fight a woman to get what you need, you have already lost.
The more you trust a woman’s ability to guide your relationship, the happier and more connected you will feel. You can have everything you want with the woman you choose to have as a friend, family member, girlfriend, or life partner if you seek to understand her and let go of your need for dominance and control. A strong man is an empathetic, patient, and confident man who is not threatened by a woman’s power. He knows that he possesses his own — steadfastness, fortitude, perseverance, integrity, and strength of character.
S. Angell is a published poet, writer, philosopher, video blogger, and preschool teacher by day. She explores an array of topics including love, life, death, history, and society from a philosophical perspective. You can find her on Instagram @therainydaypoetess or