The Cult of Personality, Elitism, and The New Paradigm
There is no denying that we are experiencing a massive paradigm shift in the collective consciousness. The last four years, perhaps even ten years, has tested our resilience as a society and understanding of the world around us. The onset of the Internet and the mass sharing of information has also brought a complexity to our lives that we have yet to fully comprehend. We are in a state of overwhelm, hence the divisive politics and social unrest that history has demonstrated precedes a paradigm shift. In this process of societal change that coincides with a hastening of technological development, we are called to maintain the integrity of our humanity.
We must seek a greater understanding of who we are as a species and the value of our existence on this planet and within the greater universe. It is the only way we will survive and thrive as sentient beings on this earth. There are forces that wish our demise as we have witnessed through the rhetoric of various international organizations and special interest groups that carelessly peddle their doctrine without an innate understanding of our connection to the Godhead and divine purpose. We have lost our way as a society via a dark influence that wishes to control, manipulate, and separate us. We truly are in a war between good and evil, and we are teetering on the precipice of societal rebirth or a descension into a dark age that may not allow for a renaissance.
We frequently compare our present predicament and all its revelations to historical events as history seemingly repeats itself — the fall of Rome, the Arab Conquests, the Crusades, the empire of Genghis Kahn, the Bubonic Plague, the 15th century Renaissance, the French Revolution, the German Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution, WWI and the emergence of totalitarianism and a new kind of propaganda machine leading up to WWII, the social unrest of the 1960s, the Cold War, AIDS, and Covid, et. Al., but we must see this as one whole process in the ebb and flow of our evolution and not single and separate events that no longer live within our collective consciousness.
The past is an overview, a mirror that reflects back to us the whole of our humanity and it’s societal patterns, but we must heed caution in drawing conclusions from our past without a deeper understanding of the spiritual energy that encompassed each era and age or we succumb to the ignorance of the static perceptions of materialism — a cage we build around us resulting in a compulsive neurosis.
Our increasingly antiquated beliefs, outdated education systems, and separateness from our past have left us believing we are superior, sophisticated and all-knowing, yet we cannot even reconcile our relationship and connection to our divinity — what Christians refer to as the Trinity. We are on the brink of significant technological advancement and change yet we seem to be stumbling into it with an unprecedented arrogance and greed. We think we are playing God, but we are dancing with the dark and sinister as that is what will permeate us if we do not move forth with a belief in a greater power than ourselves and begin to understand that we are an interdependent and cohesive unit of unique individuals.
Class, creed, stature, color, and all things material must fall away from our spirit for us to fully harness our ability to move freely and creatively as a species. These labels, names, and old formulas and ideas of what and who we are must be perceived from a spiritual and intuitive consciousness. We must connect our heads to our hearts and to the energy that connects the supernatural to our living experience. We must heal our collective consciousness if we are to fully harness the capabilities and wonders of an emerging technology or we risk mass extinction, a concept globalist entities so readily and callously discuss with an air of confident inevitability.
It has gone amiss in the age of information overload, the propaganda war machine, and the resulting groupthink, that we have a choice as to which direction our society goes. In fact, there are multiple paths, yet we close ourselves off from the multitude of possibilities. We have lost our ability to navigate our surroundings through our own free will. We seek rulers over sovereignty and comfortable control over responsible freedom. Our abscondment has left us dumbed down, disconnected from our spirit, left adrift to our emotional impulses and whims. Easy to rule, easy to control, easy to convince, we are but savages believing we are unworthy or simply unaware of our divine right of passage. We have no one to blame but ourselves. We can blame the “they”, but “they” have materialized because we have handed over our keys.
Elitism and the New Paradigm
The death of the legacy media and the emergence of independent podcasts has given us back our humanity and the necessity of critical thought in the healthy development of our society. This is a revolutionary medium to exchange ideas and provide a platform for those who would otherwise be locked out of elite circles and exclusive groups. Podcasts have become increasingly important as social platforms are flooded with troll bots and noise, and the legacy media suffocates itself in newspeak.
The misuse of AI threatens the free flow of information on the Internet, a public forum that is being infiltrated and monopolized by politically and ideologically captured corporations attempting to control the narrative. It doesn’t appear to the layman as an immediate threat as it all happens behind the proverbial curtain, but the walls are closing in on us as we speak. Censorship, cancel culture, buried information, double-speak, and lies replacing truth will become the norm if we allow it to increase with our ignorance and devour us through our complacency. We must wake up. Tomorrow is too late.
How do we overcome these forces? We speak, we embrace, we act, and we involve each other is the creation of the new paradigm. This is the emergence of a new culture, a new way of thinking. Not the thinking we are told is revolutionary through woke doctrine. That is a fallacy, masking a darker agenda that devalues the power of our humanity.
This new paradigm is a spiritual science and philosophy that will change how we see ourselves and each other. It will bring love and social responsibility into the fold. It will include all of us in an evolved collective consciousness that considers our connection to the super sensible world beyond our limited sensory perceptions and material understanding. It involves an awakening and the retraining of more complex and interconnected sensory perceptions that we have lost through the ages. This awakening occurs at a different frequency than the one we operate on as a society. It a vibration with tempered beats. It is soft and moves like waves, back and forth, like a smooth rhythm. It is void of resistance.
There are many individuals that have access to this frequency, but its presence must be spread in abundance to create a force for change. We begin by embracing that which we ignore, trivialize, or discount. Our addictive impulse to place value on status and position without merit must fall away. Fame and elitism must be replaced by integrity and responsibility. Valuing individual thought and freedom of expression regardless of stature must be paramount. “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.” (Mathew 5:5).
The unknowns, the regular folk, the blessed children, the innovators, trailblazers, and mavericks that we criticize, mock, cancel, ostracize, and patronize are the change-makers. They are the ones who will guide humanity into the new paradigm. Where we are going, fame, status, and the selfish collection of financial wealth are foolish hinderances to divine spiritual ascension. They do not serve the greater good of humanity. This includes elite groups who believe they know best or have some sort of authority due to their position or educational credentials without proof that they value all human life and all human ingenuity. Individual freedom and collective productivity must work in unison like a fine-tuned organism. Greed, control, malevolence, and malice must fall away. We must learn how to think with our hearts. Empathy and a well-developed intuition will set us free.
Creating Perceptual Change
It’s easy to perceive a reality that is all doom and gloom when you allow yourself to be consumed by it. We choose the energy we surround ourselves with. We have facilitated the breakdown of our communities and the lack of transparency in our governments and institutions in only a few decades, possibly even longer, due to our ignorance. Perhaps this process is fundamental to our growth and resilience, a preparation for the next phase of our evolution. A spiritual war precedes each stage of evolution.
Perceptual change happens quickly with a collective effort, but we must be aware of the spiritual forces that influence these changes. We know from the events of the last few years that if we allow an assumed authority to rule over us without questioning their motives, we surrender our sovereignty. We must learn to trust our intuition and be righteous in our convictions. Our hesitation and fear invite malevolent spirits. Our ridicule of anything that deviates for the social hierarchy drives us away from our divine purpose. We alienate that which we should embrace and invite that which destroys us. Somewhere along the way we have lost our self-confidence and our innate wisdom.
There are unique individuals changing how we view our world, innovators that are creating revolutionary models for societal transformation, doctors and health practitioners conducting research on longevity and health, historians and archaeologists changing how we perceive our history and questioning the historical narrative, and spiritual scientists who are guiding us back to our divine intelligence. It is all in front of us for discovery but the voices are all to often stifled by those who wish to maintain a monopoly on information and ideas.
The Godhead is in all of us. You don’t have to hold a certain position or stature to have value and share your light, yet we must also embrace and allow space for others’ light without preconceptions or expectations of who they should be. We are a reflection of each other. Reflect goodness and you shall receive goodness in return.
S. Angell is a published poet, writer, philosopher, and video blogger. She explores various topics, including love, life, death, history, and society from a philosophical perspective. You can find her on Instagram @rainydaypoetess